Wrote about us:
Wrote about us:
,,Przyszłość rynku nieruchomości w Polsce
według 30 przedstawicieli
branży: 2023-2030"
,,Przyszłość rynku nieruchomości
w Polsce według 30 przedstawicieli
branży: 2023-2030"
Dowiedz się jakie wydarzenia, zagrożenia oraz
szanse na rynku przewidują przedstawiciele
firm deweloperskich i wykonawczych, a także
inwestorzy i rynkowi eksperci.
Dowiedz się jakie wydarzenia, zagrożenia oraz szanse
na rynku przewidują przedstawiciele firm deweloperskich
i wykonawczych, a także inwestorzy i rynkowi eksperci.
Łączymy strony
na rynku
Bartosz Słuszewski
Beata Kądziela
Jakub Ludnicki
Natalia Chermer
Nasze podejście jest znacząco odmienne od działań przeciętnej agencji działającej na rynku nieruchomości. Przede wszystkim, zajmujemy się wyłącznie nieruchomościami stricte inwestycyjnymi, co wymusza na nas odmienne ścieżki postępowania. Nauczeni doświadczeniem, stronimy od ogłoszeń oraz robienia zbędnego szumu wokół sprzedaży. Podobnie jak do upolowania kaczki nie potrzeba bomby atomowej, tak do sprzedaży nieruchomości nie jest konieczne informowanie o swym zamiarze wszystkich osób w kraju (lub internecie).
Wystarczający jest dostęp do informacji, kto takiej nieruchomości poszukuje i złożenie oferty w sposób bezpośredni. Taki model działania przynosi nieocenione korzyści obu stronom: sprzedającemu pozwala trafiać z ofertą prosto do zainteresowanych, unikając ryzyka ,,nadmiernej ekspozycji" (inwestorzy zwykle tracą zainteresowanie ofertami, które krążą po rynku, będąc dostępnymi dla każdego), zaś kupującym pozwala na dostęp do perfekcyjnie dopasowanych ofert przed innymi uczestnikami rynku.
You let us know what properties you are looking for. This data feeds into our demand database.
We schedule an interview to discuss the chosen
We analyse the property database we have, looking for records relevant to your expectations.
We keep you
updated on new
offers that meet
Nasze działania znacząco wyróżniają nas na tle innych agencji Our activities significantly distinguish us from other agencies operating in the real estate market. They are not limited to placing adverts on the Internet, or even ever starting there, because, having learnt by experience, we shy away from making noise about sales. Just as you don't need an atomic bomb to hunt a duck, you don't need to inform everyone in the country (or on the internet) about your plan to sell your property.
It is sufficient to have access to the knowledge of who is looking for such properties and to make an offer directly. Such a model of operation brings invaluable benefits to both parties: the seller allows the offer to go straight to those interested, avoiding the risk of 'overexposure' (investors tend to lose interest in offers that circulate around the market, being available to everyone), while buyers have access to perfectly matched offers before other market participants.
Or get on the list straight away.
You can do it...
How we work?
who is looking for such properties and to make an offer directly. Such a model of operation brings invaluable benefits to both parties: the seller allows the offer to go straight to those interested, avoiding the risk of 'overexposure' (investors tend to lose interest in offers that circulate around the market, being available to everyone), while buyers have access to perfectly matched offers before other market participants.
Our activities significantly distinguish us from other agencies operating in the real estate market. They are not limited to placing adverts on the Internet, or even ever starting there, because, having learnt by experience, we shy away from making noise about sales. Just as you don't need an atomic bomb to hunt a duck, you don't need to inform everyone in the country (or on the internet) about your plan to sell your property. It is sufficient to have access to the knowledge of
Our activities significantly distinguish us from other agencies operating in the real estate market. They are not limited to placing adverts on the Internet, or even ever starting there, because, having learnt by experience, we shy away from making noise about sales. Just as you don't need an atomic bomb to hunt a duck, you don't need to inform everyone in the country (or on the internet) about your plan to sell your property. It is sufficient to have access to the knowledge of who is looking for such properties and to make an offer directly. Such a model of operation brings invaluable benefits to both parties: the seller allows the offer to go straight to those interested, avoiding the risk of 'overexposure' (investors tend to lose interest in offers that circulate around the market, being available to everyone), while buyers have access to perfectly matched offers before other market participants.
In practice...
A bunch of numbers:
Cooperation model:
You let us know what properties you are looking for. This data feeds into our demand database
We schedule an interview to
discuss the chosen locations
We analyse the property database we have, looking for records relevant to your expectations
wizję lokalną;
rozpoczyna się
proces głębokiej
analizy, negocjacji
i czynności
zmierzających do
finalizacji transakcji.
inwestorzy po
podpisaniu umowy
o zachowaniu
poufności rozmów
i materiały.
Jeżeli wybrani
inwestorzy nie
kierujemy ofertę do kolejnych trzech. Ewentualnie proces
się powtarza.
W ciągu 3 dni
otrzymujemy od
nich informacje
zwrotne, dotyczące
ich zainteresowania
(lub jego braku).
informacje na jej
temat trzem
inwestorom z naszej bazy, których ma ona szanse
Gdy do naszego
portfolio dołącza
nowa nieruchomość
na sprzedaż...
We arrange an
on-site visit; the
process of in-depth analysis, negotiation
and steps to finalise
the transaction
Interested investors receive detailed information and materials after
signing a non-
If the chosen
investors do not
show interest, we
refer the offer to
another three. Alternatively, the
process repeats
We receive feedback from them within
3 working days
regarding their
interest (or lack
we provide basic information about
it to three investors
from our database
who are likely to be interested in it.
When a new
for sale is added
to our portfolio,...
We arrange an
on-site visit; the
process of in-depth analysis, negotiation
and steps to finalise
the transaction
Interested investors receive detailed information and materials after
signing a non-
If the chosen
investors do not
show interest, we
refer the offer to
another three. Alternatively, the
process repeats
We receive feedback from them within
3 working days
regarding their
interest (or lack
we provide basic information about
it to three investors
from our database
who are likely to be interested in it.
When a new property
for sale is added to
our portfolio,...
We keep you
updated on new
offers that meet
Let us know how we can help:
In a nutshell, we are in the business of providing offers from the property market for a specified demand. We specialise in buy-sell transactions of multi-tenant buildings and land for various investment projects. Looking for townhouses for regeneration in major cities? Office buildings with tenants, generating a certain income? Retail parks in small towns? Luxury hotels? Plots of land for residential development? Whatever you're looking for, you've come to the perfect place. We will offer you exclusive deals that meet all of your expectations, which cannot be found anywhere else.
What we do?
What we do?
The natural habitat for the most powerful of sea creatures are the quiet and calm depths of the ocean. The silent space far from the noisy surface is also an ideal condition for carrying out significant real estate transactions. Our operating model avoids the prying eyes of the market, allowing demand to be built discreetly only among those directly interested in offers with strictly defined parameters.
of our profits are
donated to good
PLN million is the
lowest property
price on offer
of our profits are donated to good causes.
of properties are
sold through direct relationships
kg is the weight
of a whale's heart.
The same amount
of heart we put into
our work
PLN million is the
highest property
price on offer
PLN million is the lowest property
price on offer
properties that are currently under
analysis by our
up-to-date listings
of properties for
we cooperate
cities in which we operate
Is this what you're
looking for?
Leave your contact details and we'll get back to you:
Mariusz Wilner
Grzegorz Radwan
All rights reserved, 2022
Black Whale Sp. z o.o.
ul. Żelazna 2
40-851 Katowice
Poland, Central Europe
+48 507 508 334
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