Poland's transit location between the countries of eastern and western Europe, as well as northern and southern Europe, is conducive to the development of the economy and land transport in particular. Four of the 10 trans-European corridors run through Poland: from Helsinki via Warsaw, with a branch to Gdansk; from Berlin via Warsaw, Minsk and Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod; from Brussels via Krakow to Kiev; and from Gdansk to Brno. The international roads running through Poland are constantly extended and upgraded, and the development of road infrastructure is one of the country's economic priorities.
million is the estimated number of all rental flats
in Poland in 2022
EUR is the average rental price for 1 sq m of a flat in Warsaw
EUR is the average purchase price of 1 sq m of a flat in Warsaw
EUR is the average purchase price of 1 sq m of a flat in Poland
EUR is the average monthly salary in the
8 largest cities in Poland
EUR is the average monthly salary in Warsaw
EUR is the average monthly salary in Poland
million is the estimated number of missing housing units in Poland
Poland's transit location between the countries of eastern and western Europe, as well as northern and southern Europe, is conducive to the development of the economy and land transport in particular. Four of the 10 trans-European corridors run through Poland: from Helsinki via Warsaw, with a branch to Gdansk; from Berlin via Warsaw, Minsk and Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod; from Brussels via Krakow to Kiev; and from Gdansk to Brno. The international roads running through Poland are constantly extended and upgraded, and the development of road infrastructure is one of the country's economic priorities.
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by purpose
Rynek mieszkaniowy
W 2022 roku w Polsce oddano do użytku 238 tys. mieszkań, z czego 129 tys. zostało wybudowanych
przez firmy deweloperskie, a 81 tys. przez inwestorów indywidualnych (domy jednorodzinne). Całkowita liczba istniejących mieszkań w Polsce przekracza 15 mln, z czego 1,2 mln to mieszkania przeznaczone na wynajem. Deficyt mieszkań w Polsce szacuje się na 2,4 mln.
Rynek hotelowy
W 2022 roku funkcjonowało w Polsce 2,5 tys. hoteli mieszczących
144 tys. pokoi i 297 tys. miejsc noclegowych. Średnie obłożenie hoteli w dużych miastach w żadnym miesiącu 2022 roku nie spadło poniżej 60%. W 2021 roku w budowę nowych obiektów zainwestowano
695 mln euro (257 mln w hotele 3*, 272 mln w hotele 4* i 100 mln w hotele 5*).
Rynek magazynowy
Całkowite zasoby nowoczesnej powierzchni magazynowej w Polsce pod koniec 2022 roku wynosiły 27,4 mln mkw. (wzrost o 18% rok do roku), przy wskaźniku powierzchni niewynajętej na poziomie 4,2%. Koszty najmu powierzchni magazynowych, zużycia energii oraz kosztów pracy w Polsce należą do najniższych w Europie.
Rynek powierzchni handlowych
Całkowite zasoby nowoczesnych
powierzchni handlowych w Polsce wynoszą 15,9 mln mkw. W 2022 roku podaż nowych powierzchni wyniosła 400 tys. mkw, z czego 70% to retail parki. W budowie pozostaje ponad 300 tys. mkw. (60% w małych miastach). Obroty galerii handlowych w 2022. roku nie tylko powróciły do poziomów sprzed pandemii Covid-19, ale przewyższyły je o 16% procent.
Sektor przemysłowy
Przemysł to jedna z głównych gałęzi polskiej gospodarki. W Polsce zlokalizowanych jest wiele zakładów produkcyjnych polskich oraz zagranicznych firm, w tym wielu
międzynarodowych koncernów z branż: samochodowej, maszynowej, lotniczej, AGD, elektronicznej, meblarskiej, metalowej,
chemicznej, ceramicznej, farmaceutycznej i spożywczej.
Rynek biurowy
Na koniec 2022 roku całkowite zasoby nowoczesnych powierzchni biurowych w największych polskich miastach wynosiły 12,7 mln mkw. W tym samym czasie w realizacji pozostawało ok. 750 tys. mkw. biur, z czego większość trafi na rynek do końca 2024 r. W związku z niską aktywnością deweloperów na rynku biurowym, przewiduje się lukę podażową nowej powierzchni od 2024 roku.
Housing market
In 2022, 238,000 dwellings were put into use in Poland, of which 129,000 have been built by property developers, and 81,000 by individual investors (single-family homes). The total number of existing dwellings in Poland exceeds 15 million, of which 1.2 million are for rent. The housing deficit in Poland is estimated at
2.4 million.
The hotel market
In 2022, there were 2,500 hotels in Poland accommodating 144,000 rooms and 297,000 beds. Average hotel occupancy rates in major cities did not fall below 60% in any month in 2022. In 2021, EUR 695 million was invested in the construction of new hotels (257 million in three-star, 272 million in four-star and 100 million in five-star).
Logistics real estate market
Total modern warehouse space stock in Poland at the end of 2022
amounted to 27.4 million sq m (up 18% year-on-year), with a vacancy rate of 4.2%. The costs of renting warehouse space, energy consumption and labour costs in Poland are among the lowest in Europe.
Retail space market
The total stock of modern retail space in Poland is 15.9 million sq m. In 2022, the supply of new space is 400,000 sq m, 70% of which is retail parks. More than 300,000 sq m remain under construction
(60% in small towns). Mall turnover in 2022 has not only returned to pre-Covid-19 levels, but has surpassed them by 16 percent.
Industrial sector
Industry is one of the main branches of the Polish economy. Poland is home to many production facilities of Polish and foreign companies, including many multinationals in: automotive, machinery, aerospace, white goods, electronics, furniture, metal, chemical, ceramic, pharmaceutical and food industries.
Office market
At the end of 2022, the total stock of modern office space in Poland's largest cities will be 12.7 million sq m. At the same time, approximately 750,000 sq m of offices remained under development, most of which will hit the market by the end of 2024. Due to low activity of developers in the office market, a supply gap of new space is anticipated from 2024 onwards.
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Poland's convenient location in the centre of Europe means that all major European cities can be reached in a short time by road, rail or air. This makes Poland an attractive location for logistics investments and production.
Poland's convenient location in the centre of Europe means that all major European cities can be reached in a short time by road, rail or air. This makes Poland an attractive location for logistics investments and production.
Poland's convenient location in the centre of Europe means that all major European cities can be reached in a short time by road, rail or air. This makes Poland an attractive location for logistics investments and production.
mln to łączna
liczba ludności 8 największych
polskich miast
million is the total population of the 8 largest Polish cities
million is the current population of Poland
million is the number
of households in
fastest growing
economy in the European Union
largest GDP in the
million is the number of households in Poland
million is the current population of Warsaw
Warsaw as the fastest growing city in years
2022-26 according to
Oxford Economics
fastest growing economy in the European Union
largest GDP in the world
largest GDP in the European Union
Pisali o nas:
Łączymy strony
na rynku
Bartosz Słuszewski
Beata Kądziela
Jakub Ludnicki
Natalia Chermer
The most interesting real estate development
projects under construction in Poland in 2023:
Co robimy?
Poland is the 6th largest economy in the European Union and 21st in the world with a GDP exceeding 632 billion in 2022. The country has a population of 37.9 million (5th in the European Union) and its capital Warsaw, which is also Poland's largest city, has 1.8 million inhabitants. Poland is located in Central Europe and covers an area of 312,000 sq km, making it the 9th largest country in Europe. Poland is a member of such international organisations as: European Union (EU), United Nations (UN), North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), World Trade Organisation (WTO), The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the Council of Europe.
million sq m is the supply of new warehouse space
in Poland in 2022
thousand sq m is the supply of new retail
space in Poland in 2022
thousand sq m is the supply of new office space in Warsaw in 2022
thousand new housing units were completed in Poland in 2022
EUR is the average rental price for 1 sq m of a flat in Warsaw
EUR is the average purchase price of 1 sq m of a flat in Warsaw
EUR is the average purchase price of 1 sq m of a flat in Poland
EUR is the average monthly salary in Poland
Mariusz Wilner
Grzegorz Radwan
All rights reserved, 2022
Black Whale Sp. z o.o.
ul. Żelazna 2
40-851 Katowice
Poland, Central Europe
+48 507 508 334
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